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Digital terrain models, live or video

Here we present to you some of the terrain elevation models that we have made for scientific purposes, for researchers who work in the field and use them to protect the planet. The work of making them accessible on the internet is very heavy, so we are doing it slowly. You can get an overview by clicking on the black dots on the planisphere. To take full advantage of it, you must have a good connection

Some of our results published in scientific journals

Structure of an active volcano associated with a resurgent block inferred from thermal mapping: The Yasur–Yenkahe volcanic complex (Vanuatu)

Insights into the evolution of the Yenkahe resurgent dome (Siwi caldera, Tanna Island, Vanuatu) inferred from aerial high-resolution photogrammetry

A structural outline of the Yenkahe volcanic resurgent dome (Tanna Island, Vanuatu Arc, South Pacific)

Joint Aerial & Boat-based Surveys for Marine  Conservation

Déclaration officielle du Département de Géographie de l'Université du Luxembourg

DEM generation over the Stromboli summit area using the open source software MicMac : a comparison with


First measurement of the volcanic gas output from
Anak Krakatau, Indonesia

First estimate of SO2 emission rate from Anak Krakatau volcano, Indonesia

Characterizing fluid flow in a hydrothermal system from geophysical insights: application to Stromboli volcano, Aeolian Islands

revues scientifiques
Modèles 3D
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